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Autor: Aurora Martínez Cortes E-mail: auroracarmen@yahoo.com |
Área: Lengua extranjera.
Inglés Nivel: 6º curso de Primaria |
Introduction Today we will be virtually traveling around the USA via the internet. Each group will be assigned a different State and will choose a city to explore. After you have gathered all your information, you will create a travel brochure to tell other members of your class about your city. |
Part 1
You and the members of your group will be assigned by the teacher a State of the United States; within the State you will choose a city You will research the following information:
Part 2
After you gather all of your facts and information you will make a travel brochure for the rest of the class to view.
Choosing your city
Your will be assigned a State by your teacher. Your group should choose one city from your State to virtually travel to and learn about. Since you have the freedom to choose your own city to research, pick one that your group members would like to travel to.
Roles Each group member will be assigned a number, which corresponds to one of the following roles: 1. Cultural Director:
2. Geography Guide
3. Entertainment Advisor
4. Geologist
** In order for your group to successfully finish this project, each group member must work hard to complete their individual task. If any one person finishes early, they should help other members of their group. **
Creating a Travel Brochure Your group members should combine all of the information found into a travel brochure. Your brochure can be as creative as you like. You should use construction paper and crayons, markers , colored pencils, pictures, photos from magazines. Each group will be sharing their brochures with the class at the end of the week.
Use the following websites to find information:
Search Engines
Do not forget the following seach engines:
ConclusionWelcome back from your journey! You certainly have learned a lot about the city you visited. I hope that you share your information with you peers.